Kindness is not Weakness


As noted by Cassandra trend watcher, kindness is growing among young people.

As much as 2020 has been a year of disconnection, it’s also facilitated connection in ways we may not have thought possible. From brands to strangers on the street, heroes were helping everywhere.

Fashion brands pivoted to producing hand sanitizers, consumers supported struggling businesses, and Gen Zs delivered groceries for the elderly.

Below are just a few of the inspirational acts young adults witnessed in 2020.

“[I witnessed kindness] at the grocery store. A mom with 4 little kids was struggling at the checkout. [There was a] man in line behind her. He paid for all her groceries.” - Nicole, 27, PA

“I have seen companies and people come together to send shoes to our healthcare workers, people sending seniors cards to let them know we still are thinking about them… [These brands are] coming together to put out messages of togetherness and unity.” - Gloria, 33, NC

“I’ve seen people buy food for those in need during the pandemic, which was very thoughtful and showed the best part of humanity.” - Daphne, 34, CA

“One of the kindest things someone did for me during 2020 was bake me a cake. Before the elderly woman gave me the cake, I had raked her yard after a hurricane. The cake was a thank you.” - Sydney, 15, LA

“Honestly 2020 has been a dark year without much of anything, but earlier in the year there was a lot of support from my work and even my phone carrier in helping people get back on their feet… T-Mobile let my bill sit for months as I got let go from my job.” - Brandon, 31, CA

Read more here.

And spread the kindness. It’s not weakness, it’s contagious.

Remember this song? It has so many layers of meaning today as we await election results, wonder about Kanye’s politics, and continue to deal with the pandemic. We’ll always love Rihanna, though, throughout everything.