March First Friday
/Magically Delicious
Food from around the globe at Abbot Kinney First Friday! Something for every palate and every diet.
Don’t forget to save room for dessert. We’ve got Churros, Donuts and Soft Serve!
The Twist
Sure Good Soft Serve
Holey Grail Donuts
Friday, March 1
5:00 to 9:30pm
Here’s the full lineup:
8e8 Thai
Baby's Badass Burgers
Cerda Vega
Cousins Maine Lobster
Dog R
Gochu Gang
Holey Grail Donuts
Kogi BBQ
Kyoto Hibachi
Las Guajolotes
Love Bird
Malibu Cove
Pasta Sisters
Pickles and Peas
Plant Lab
Poutine Brothers
Stop Bye Cafe
Sure Good Soft Serve
Sus Arepas
Tropic Truck
Twist Churros
Uncle Al's BBQ
Veggie Bomb
Wise BBQ
Restrooms at California Ave and at Palms Blvd.
We know it’s not fun to eat standing up, but please be respectful of the brick and mortar food establishments on the Blvd and don’t take up their tables if you're not their customer.